Working to Protect Nature

and local people’s livelihoods in support of the Global Goals.

Collaborating for Positive Change

  • Founded Through Collaboration


  • Adhering to our Values


  • Evolving for Today's Needs


  • Continuous Improvement


  • Contributing to Global Goals


Securing HCVs for Good

Click on each value to see more information.
Tap on each value to see more information.

Species Diversity

Concentrations of biological diversity including endemic species, and rare, threatened or endangered species, that are significant at global, regional or national levels.

Landscape Level Ecosystems, Ecosystem Mosaics and Intact Forest Landscapes

Large landscape-level ecosystems, ecosystem mosaics and Intact Forest Landscapes (IFL) that are significant at global, regional or national levels, and that contain viable populations of the great majority of the naturally occurring species in natural patterns of distribution and abundance.

and Habitats

Rare, threatened, or endangered ecosystem, habitats or refugia.

Ecosystem Services

Basic ecosystem services in critical situations, including protection of water catchments and control of erosion of vulnerable soils and slopes.

Community Needs

Sites and resources fundamental for satisfying the basic necessities of local communities or indigenous peoples (for livelihoods, health, nutrition, water, etc...) identified through engagement with these communities or indigenous peoples.

Cultural Values

Sites, resources, habitats and landscapes of global or national cultural, archaeological or historical significance, and/or of critical cultural, ecological, economic or religious/sacred importance for the traditional cultures of local communities or indigenous peoples, identifies through engagement with these local communities or indigenous peoples.

HCVs are the essential environmental and social values we all depend on in one way or another. Forests, biodiversity, water resources, landscapes that inspire and provide spiritual meaning, sustenance, and a home to people as well as nature.

Finding Solutions,
Supporting Action

  • Policy


    Working to accelerate adoption of the HCV Approach for nature positive impact.

    We advocate for the inclusion of HCV identification and protection in policy and sustainability performance frameworks.

    We engage organisations on the importance of HCVs in assessing impact and dependencies.

    We participate and contribute through partnerships our technical experience and engage in emerging market developments.

  • Implementation


    Helping to protect HCVs worldwide through innovation and an evolved HCV Toolbox.

    We design and adapt, together with our members and partners, tools that respond to current needs for greater impact and improved efficiencies.

    Recognising the challenges faced by smallholder producers, we develop and pilot tailored solutions that benefit smallholders who protect HCVs.

    We support collaborative action by multiple stakeholders working in complex landscapes and across jurisdictions, using the HCV framing and tools to help actors align on the priorities for nature and people.

  • Learning


    Enabling learning opportunities to strengthen the HCV Network and increase the impact of the HCV Approach.

    We provide the necessary tools to transfer HCV knowledge to those who manage HCVs on the ground, including Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities.

    We work to strengthen the community of HCV practitioners and promote cross-sectorial peer-to-peer learning.

    We create learning experiences that address field-level barriers to the implementation of the HCV Approach.

  • Assurance


    Providing an effective system to help ensure HCVs are protected.

    We work with skilled professionals to ensure that investment in HCV assessment delivers quality results.

    We synthesise the practical learning and experience from stakeholders to improve formal assessment procedures.

Get Involved

The HCV Network brings together
NGOs, producers, supply chain companies, technical service providers and voluntary sustainability standards

Our Mission as a network is to provide practical tools to conserve nature and benefit people, linking local actions with global sustainability targets.

We are open to organisations that share our vision, mission, and goal to protect High Conservation Values and the vital services they provide for people and nature.

If you can collaborate and take action to help protect HCVs, participation in the Network could deliver value for your organisation.

We look forward to welcoming more organisations to secure the world’s HCVs and contribute together to the global agenda for a sustainable future.